[TowerTalk] 600 Ohm Line

Gene Smar ersmar at comcast.net
Thu Jul 29 19:31:05 EDT 2004

Jim et al:

My comments embedded below.

73 de
Gene Smar  AD3F

----- Original Message ----- 
From: "Jim Brown" <jim at audiosystemsgroup.com>
To: "Tower Talk List" <towertalk at contesting.com>
Sent: Thursday, July 29, 2004 3:46 PM
Subject: Re: [TowerTalk] 600 Ohm Line

> >Rick is correct.  The copper twisted-pair (TP) is considered a
> >reactance element.  The loading coils are actually series inductors
> >(remember the 88 mH toroidal coils we all used in the 70's?)
> They go way back before the 70's, but they are LUMPED elements, and they
> compensating in a LUMPED model.

Agreed that the loading coils are lumped elements, but I was referring to
the long TP - correctly modeled as distributed elements.

> >When I worked for a local phone company (AFTER the power company), we
> >using ADSL over TP (duh) to attempt to deliver video.  The biggest
> >we encountered were not so much with the ADSL modems, but with the
> >of the outside plant (OSP) itself.
There is, of course, another
> wrinkle -- not all the cable in the loop has the same Zo, so there can be
bumps at
> each transition. And, of course, there the loss in the line at the higher
> and the noise.

 The bumps are due to the bridge taps, or as I had referred to them -
just-in-case taps,  that are installed in much OSP in anticipation of
eventual build-out as a housing development or commercial area grows.  These
unterminated sections of transmission line do, indeed, affect the
transmission characteristics of the OSP, especially for higher-frequency
energy, like a couple hundred kHz for DSL.

When Ma Bell decided to go digital, she complicated her copper OSP
engineering problems ten-fold.

> Jim Brown K9YC

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