[TowerTalk] Tower Question

Tower (K8RI) tower at rogerhalstead.com
Sat Jun 5 21:07:35 EDT 2004

I'm not sure from the description just how much the section is twisted.

However were it me, I'd not use any section with a noticeable twist.

Roger Halstead (K8RI, EN73 & ARRL Life Member)
N833R, World's Oldest Debonair (S# CD-2)

Found you email on a Tower disussion in a forum.  I was considering
purchasing a Rohn tower starting at section 5N, then 4N up 3 sections past

The 4N section when laying on a flat drive next to the 5N has a twist which
bring on side of that down face up off the concrete about 3 inches.  Do you
know if that little twist in the section would cause big problems?

Any help would be appreciated.


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