[TowerTalk] HF LOG-PERIODIC ANTENNAS Comments Please
Dino Darling
k6rix at earthlink.net
Mon Jun 21 15:16:52 EDT 2004
I personally like LPDAs! There are advantages and disadvantages to everything!
If you are an ARRL Member, you can read about one man's story.
Talk to these guys too...
In MY opinion, if you plan on staying in the band (non-MARS), then I would
rather have a stacked set of Force 12 or M2 antennas. But don't sell the
LOGS short! They really work!
Dino - K6RIX
At 02:45 PM 06/21/2004 +0000, you wrote:
>Hello to all,
>I am wondering if a stack of three Log-Periodic Antennas is the way to go.
>At best my single tower station will have three Tri-Banders on it. Possibly
>a Force12 C3S around 90-60-30 feet.
>I have been seeing allot of talk about the Stepper Antenna Systems.
> >From what I am reading, the big advantage in this type of antenna seems to
>be the antenna tuning to the frequency of use.
>In the past I have heard negative comments that a Log-Periodic has allot of
>aluminum not being used. These remarks may be true when compared to
>Mono-Band antennas but is it true when compared to tri-banders.
>I am wondering if anyone has any experience with the performance of
>Log-Periodic antennas as compared to a Tri-Banders. Is this the type of
>antenna to use for contest operations.
>Any comments on the performance and quality of these antennas.
>I am considering models:
>T6---12 foot boom---6 elements
>T8---18 foot boom---8 elements
>I understand both these models can be side mounded on my tower.
>Thanks for your help.
>Rich AA2MF
>See: http://www.mscomputer.com for "Self Supporting Towers", "Wireless
>Weather Stations", and lot's more. Call Toll Free, 1-800-333-9041 with
>any questions and ask for Sherman, W2FLA.
>TowerTalk mailing list
>TowerTalk at contesting.com
Dino...k6rix at earthlink.net
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