[TowerTalk] rohn 25G house bracket drawings

hdmc38 at bellsouth.net hdmc38 at bellsouth.net
Tue Jun 22 20:25:57 EDT 2004

   All the detail drawings you need are in the Rohn Consumer Catalog.I'm looking at the permit set of plans for my tower.I used the base detail,the ground detail,the tower section detail,and the bracket detail.We put these on the plan and drew the tower showing the height and the bracket height.Also had a survey for the location,and the antenna engineering for wind loads.Champion Radio used to sell the catalog.Hope this helps.Good luck.

               73   Joe K4XZ
> From: "Steve Hanlon" <asciibaron at comcast.net>
> Date: 2004/06/22 Tue PM 06:38:59 EDT
> To: "'Towertalk'" <Towertalk at contesting.com>
> Subject: [TowerTalk] rohn 25G house bracket drawings
> i'm in the process of installing 50 feet of Rohn 25G and the county requires
> drawings that have been reviewed by a Professional Engineer.  my problem is
> the drawings.  i have written material stating the maxium heights and
> require brackets and pad information, but lack a drawing.
> does anyone have or can steer me in the right direction for a drawing of a
> 50 feet Rohn 25G tower that is house bracketed.  the only one i can find
> shows a max height of 30 feet and is for a large surface area dish (6 ft
> dia), not a tribander.
> -steve hanlon
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