[TowerTalk] Funniest thing I've seen in weeks

GALE STEWARD k3nd at yahoo.com
Wed Jun 30 11:45:02 EDT 2004

That is a good one. Actually, I would like to take a
couple of the "executives" at the company I work for
and hang them from a aluminum boom high in the air.

73, Stew K3ND

--- W0UN -- John Brosnahan <shr at swtexas.net> wrote:
> I was looking TurboCAD in some detail after
> suggesting it might
> meet the needs of a friend.  In the process I looked
> at their Symbol CD
> with 10 million symbols and naturally wandered to
> the antenna
> symbols.  They have a simplified symbol for a 5
> element Yagi
> with a folded dipole driven element.
> What struck me as funny is the title of the symbol:
> "Folded dipole aerial with 3 executives and 1
> reflector sim. VDE"
> Guess something got lost in the translation and 3
> directors became
> 3 executives.
> Anyway, it made ME laugh!
> 73--John  W0UN
> > 
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