[TowerTalk] Am I Asking for Trouble?

Phil Camera kb9cry at comcast.net
Wed Jun 30 21:21:44 EDT 2004

Based on my understanding, the answer would be most probably yes.  Is 
this Polyphaser panel above ground?  If there is not a very low 
resistance/impedance connection from that to your SPG (single point 
ground), then yes the surge energy will not all be shunted to ground by 
the arrestors which are mounted above grade.  My understanding, after 
much discussions with Polyphaser and ICE folks, is the the best bet 
would be to drop the cables down to the ground at the shack end, to your 
arrestors mounted right at the SPG and then route them up to the 
entrance.  My only concern is that if this up route was long enough, 
then a nearby surge may be induced into that length and end up in the 
equipment.  Email or call Polyphaser or ICE and ask their opinions; they 
are the experts.  Phil  KB9CRY

ab5mm wrote:

> One of my towers is a 114' Rohn 25 with the usual antennas on top. All 
> the control wires and coax come from the top down to the 25' level. A 
> tag line of 1/4" steel cable departs the tower at 25' elevation and 
> runs 55' over to the shack. This cable end is attached to the wooden 
> structure via a steel plate bolted to the fascia board with 2x8 
> backing. The coax and control wires are suspended from this cable and 
> enter the shack via a PolyPhaser panel. The tower is grounded well, as 
> are the guy post and guy wires.
> Have I just invited Mother Nature over to burn my shack down with this 
> tag/support line?
> Thanks for any input & 73,
> Steve
> ab5mm
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