[TowerTalk] Re: Elevated Guy Anchors

Tower (K8RI) tower at rogerhalstead.com
Wed Mar 3 19:01:50 EST 2004

Although his information and the information they used on mine differ at
several points.

I mentioned guy anchors shifting/tilting which is usually taken as bad, but
in reality (depending on the load) they may work just fine even if they look

Engineering came up with the mass of the guy anchors here to be considerably
less than the PE gave him.  I do have almost 2 1/2 yards of concrete holding
each guy anchor, which is well less than half the figures he was given and I
figure the load to be heavy.

I have used 4" pipe at 8 feet and never had it break at the ground. It was
connected to a tower using 1/4 inch wire rope which is heavy, but not as bad
as the EHS I have used.

Roger Halstead (K8RI, EN73 & ARRL Life Member)
N833R, World's Oldest Debonair (S# CD-2)

> At the risk of being annoying, this topic has been debated at length in
> past.  Please read the archive, conveniently provided by our own KA9FOX at
> http://www.qth.com/ka9fox/elev-guy.txt .  Everything you want to know is
> there.
>                                     ***dan, K6IF
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