[TowerTalk] Using a crane to lift partially assembled tower sections...

GALE STEWARD k3nd at yahoo.com
Wed Mar 17 10:52:46 EST 2004

Hi Paul,

A couple of thoughts:

Two people can "walk up" 30 ft of R25. My wife and I
did it when I installed my tower. Since you have a
convenant "pull point", it may be easier just pull it
up with a rope.

My 60ft R25 is guyed at 30 and 58 FT. My top guys are
at 58 ft, 2 ft below the top. Having these guys 2-5
feet down from the top makes sense. They are then out
of the way when installing wire antennas or when
working on the rotary antennas. I probably would NOT
do this if I were installing a really big antenna!

If you have the first 30 ft up, with the guys
attached, you can plumb the tower for true vertical
before adding the top 40ft.

I'd probably do the final installation in two lifts.
First, install the top 40ft with the rotator and mast
and top guys installed. Attached the guys at ground
level then plumb the top 40 ft. After all is plumb and
secure, lift and install the yagi. 

GL with the project!

73, Stew K3ND

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