[TowerTalk] steppIR

Jim Jarvis jimjarvis at comcast.net
Wed May 5 17:09:30 EDT 2004


In brainstorming how to 'make a steppIR cheaper'....you're 
misleading yourselves.  

First of all, the IDEA of the steppIR is not revolutionary.
There's a design in one of my notebooks dated 1979.  And I'm
sure I wasn't the first to think of it.

The problem was availability of materials, and inexpensive 
microcontroller chipsets, allowing convenient programming.

Fluidmotion buys in quantity, manufactures in batches, and
has quality control.  

The Experience Curve says you can't beat 'em at their own game.

All you can do is create another prototype...and prototypes always
cost more than manufactured equivalents, one way or another.

Jim Jarvis, N2EA
jimjarvis at ieee.org 

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