[TowerTalk] Andrews 1/2" Heliax Connectors

John Dooley portscom at hotmail.com
Sun May 9 19:53:48 EDT 2004

I have a 125’ run of ½ Andrews Superflex from my tower to my entrance panel
and was wondering if anyone had a good home-brew method of  fabricating
connectors (UHF) rather than going and putting the N type commercial
connectors. (I have the commercial type to do the job if need be) I have
seen a method for larger ¾” hard line that used a ½” – 3/4'” threaded
reducer. One side of the reducer was used to solder a PL-259 coupling into
and the other end was threaded onto the solid shield of the hard line.  The
trouble with ½ Superflex hard line is that I can’t find a ½” threaded
portion to “grab” the shield like the ¾” will do. Also, the shield is ribbed
and I don’t think a threaded connector would provide me good connection. Any
advise would be most helpful.


John W6ZIP
Victorville, Ca.


QRP-l #2402
ARS #712
FISTS #9371
FPQRP #645


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