[TowerTalk] A3 problem

n8de at thepoint.net n8de at thepoint.net
Tue Nov 2 16:26:33 EST 2004

Sounds to me like a bug/moisture infestation ... you'll probably have to
take it down and clean the traps.

> Looking for suggestions with a Cushcraft A3 problem. Up till this year it
> worked well. The swr was minimum at 14.1, 21.2, 28.4. Now it resonates at
> 14.5, 21.2, 28.0.
> Compared to a C3E on another tower at the same height, 35', 15 and 20M are
> comparable. On 10M, signals are down from 4-6 s-units on the A3 compared
> to
> the C3! The element dimensions have not changed. I would guess it would
> have
> to be a 10M trap. What else could it be? But which trap(s)? Puzzled that
> 15M
> resonance didn't change.
> Was thinking of using a dip meter to check the traps.
> Any ideas or have you seen a similar problem?
> Tnx
> N2TK/NP2, Tony
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