[BULK] - Re: [TowerTalk] New antenna system

Steve Katz stevek at jmr.com
Mon Nov 8 15:14:45 EST 2004

Hi David,

Very relevant question, there.

My answer, thus far, would be "pretty much everybody" has had failures with
the SteppIR products.  At least, everyone I've spoken with who has one.
Again, I've heard nothing but glowing compliments regarding service, but of
course I'd much rather not have the failures.

Possibly some of the controller failures I've heard about are lightning
related; however here in L.A., lightning is a very rare phenomenon indeed
and it's common to go 6-12 months at a time without a single lightning event
anywhere in the area.  And the two failures I referenced occurred when no
lightning had occurred in a very long time.

WA6DKN had to return his controller not once, but twice.  He's on #3 at this


"Nobody needs more than 640k!" -Bill Gates, 1982

> -----Original Message-----
> From:	David Robbins K1TTT [SMTP:k1ttt at arrl.net]
> Sent:	Monday, November 08, 2004 12:27 PM
> To:	reflector -tower
> Subject:	[BULK] - Re: [TowerTalk] New antenna system
> A sample of 2 does not a valid set of statistics make, unless that is
> the whole universe.  How many others do you know who did not have them
> fail?  
> As for the early failures... The phenomena of 'infant mortality' in
> electronics is well known and documented.  In any reasonably complex
> electronic device more failures happen in the first few months than just
> about the whole rest of the expected life of the device.  In many cases
> there is also a sudden rise in failures after some long period due to
> predictable ageing of some components... this leads to the infamous
> 'bathtub' curve for electronics failure rates.  High in the beginning,
> low for a long time in the middle, and rising relatively sharply near
> the end.
> David Robbins K1TTT
> e-mail: mailto:k1ttt at arrl.net
> web: http://www.k1ttt.net
> AR-Cluster node: 145.69MHz or telnet://dxc.k1ttt.net
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