why crankup..Re: [TowerTalk] Looking for some tower advice

Joe Subich, K4IK k4ik at subich.com
Fri Nov 19 21:19:27 EST 2004

> Steve's comment about buying one so that you can work on it, 
> though, is appropriate. It makes little difference whether 
> you climb 10 feet or 70 from a safety standpoint.  

There seem to be a couple of advantages to a crank-up here in 
hurricane country ... it seems like most of the antennas on 
crank-ups survived the recent triple threat (they were down 
at 20' or so) while many of the fixed systems failed.  

Secondly, by bringing the antennas down to 20' or so, it is 
possible to work on them without climbing at all by using a 
20 to 25' scissor (man) lift.

Admittedly, they are not for everybody but I'm considering 
them seriously post-hurricane. 


   ... Joe, K4IK 

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