[TowerTalk] SteppIR, still in business?

Brian Lambert n1ik at n1ik.com
Sat Oct 9 05:18:07 EDT 2004


Not sure what's happening in your case, but I sent mail to SteppIR a few
weeks back and received a response from Mike Mertel (President) right away
-- under one day elapsed time.  A followup question was answered equally

The lead time for a 4 element was reported at ~8 weeks.  It's a small
company, and they make a popular product...

So, perhaps they're just busy or something.

BTW, I just took delivery of a pair of new-in-box, but previously owned, 4
element SteppIR Yagis yesterday.  I got one of them, and a friend got the

The quality of construction looks to be outstanding.  I'm relatively new to
this game, this being my first Yagi antenna, but I can see how much
attention to detail has been paid to the design and construction of their
product.  I know crap when I see it -- this is a high quality antenna.

I will be building the antenna today.  (Soon as I get two more features
finished for my client from hell.)  We'll see how that goes!

Best 73's!

N1IK, Brian Lambert


-----Original Message-----
From: towertalk-bounces at contesting.com
[mailto:towertalk-bounces at contesting.com] On Behalf Of Martin Sole
Sent: Saturday, October 09, 2004 1:59 AM
To: towertalk at contesting.com
Subject: [TowerTalk] SteppIR, still in business?

I have seen many posts on here extolling the virtues of the SteppIR
antennas. My own opinion formed after studying much of the available
information is, like many, that they are a fantastic piece of engineering
with good performance. In discussions with a good friend I encouraged him to
take a close look at them for a couple of replacement installations he is
planning, a 3el at one QTH and a 4el at the other. He did send them an
email, and got a response syaing that his questions would be answered in
about a week. Nothing heard. He then sent another request, no response. He
then emailed another department in the company, no response. Several people
have said that the after sales service is good. I wonder how they are making
any sales if they don't answer peoples enquiries?

Maybe it's not for me to worry about but I did urge him to go in this
direction and made specific comment as to the reports of good support. Kinda
feel like I'm getting egg on my face over this.

Anybody has an inside track? Did they suddenly disappear?

Martin, HS0ZED


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