[TowerTalk] New Member - Need help with an antenna design

Paul Playford w8aef at worldnet.att.net
Thu Oct 21 16:49:08 EDT 2004

I just finished helping a ham erect a fan dipole for 40 & 80m.  Tuned on 80
fine.  NG on 40.  When we swung one leg of the 40 to 90 degrees from the 80m
element it tuned fine.  It works so good <grin> he is in the process of
replacing the 40m portion with a 2 element yagi.

de Paul, W8AEF

-----Original Message-----
From: towertalk-bounces at contesting.com
[mailto:towertalk-bounces at contesting.com] On Behalf Of Tim Holmes
Sent: Thursday, October 21, 2004 7:06 PM
To: towertalk at contesting.com
Subject: [TowerTalk] New Member - Need help with an antenna design

Hi Folks 

I'm trying to put some work into my antenna system before winter really gets
going, and I am looking to redsign my multi-band dipole.  I am strongly
considering a fan type dipole cut for the center of the General band on 80,
40, 20, 15, 10.  I use and IC706MKIIG, and have LDG AT11mp (I think) auto

The antenna will be hung roughtly north south at about 30 feet, and will
have a 20 degree dogleg to the west in the north half.

I realize that a dipole is nowhere as good as a beam etc, but I cant put up
a beam, and I can put up a dipole, so I need some suggestions, or links to
plans etc.

Thanks for your time

Tim Holmes
Amateur Extra Operator

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