[TowerTalk] ROTORS
Marc Wullaert
marc.wullaert3 at pandora.be
Fri Oct 22 18:16:49 EDT 2004
I would choose the Prosistel.. Worm drive and very robust.Simple controller
I installed a M2 2800 at on4iz for 3 years now and whe had it in service
already 3 times .The screw who is holden the mast plates was totaly rusted
and broken.When this happen the axle is moving down and a mailfunction
on the limit switchs happens.Whe got a wire from the motor broken and a
mailfunction of the counter sytem (magnetic).
Last week I installed a pst 61HD at on5tn driving a axle off 12m in a self
supported tower.
the rotor is on the ground level .Here
http://users.pandora.be/on4ma/foto_marc/ you
can see 3 pics off the installation from the rotor ,axel drive coupling and
TT bearing .
The coice is yours but could you tell what antennes are on the tower ?
marc on4ma
----- Original Message -----
From: "Jeff Goldman" <k3dua at erols.com>
To: <TowerTalk at contesting.com>
Sent: Friday, October 22, 2004 9:11 PM
Subject: [TowerTalk] ROTORS
> TT,
> I am trying to decide on a new rotor for my antenna system. I have
> narrowed down the choices to either the ORION 2800 (from M-squared), or
> the PST-61D or PST-61HD from Prosistel (from Array Solutions).
> The 2800 and PST-61D seem to be about the same specs, and roughly the
> same price. Any comments pro or con of these two rotors would be
> appreciated. Also, is the big price difference for the PST-61HD worth
> it?
> Thanks for your advice and help.
> 73,
> Jeff, K3DUA
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