[TowerTalk] Guy Anchor Corrosion Question 1

J.Hector Garcia M Hector at telecom1.net
Thu Oct 28 17:11:00 EDT 2004


i saw this towers all the times when goin to my girlfriend's house  using
the exit at 4th street  from hw 8, i know that something was missing, most
of the time i drive by nite and the beacon is very notorius, i will check
this afternoon how is the place.  i perform some works for this station but
not in that tower, just in the office/studio  there on main street , i
remember saw  that the tower have very little maintenance , the anchors
looks  old and with mucho dirt on is  and no fence to protect from people or
cars,  a car can easy hit the anchors since i remeber, was a no fence area ,
maybe  cost to much for the company and never want to put some money , you
beleive that ??   never in mind..  hi hi.

i will  check  today and late you know how really looks the rust or the real
problem .

have a nice day.

----- Original Message ----- 
From: "Chuck Lewis" <clewis at knology.net>
To: "Towertalk Reflector" <towertalk at contesting.com>
Cc: <jhettish at united.net>
Sent: Thursday, October 28, 2004 11:13 AM
Subject: Re: [TowerTalk] Guy Anchor Corrosion Question 1

> Guy anchor corrosion was a topic of interest on the "Tower-Pro" reflector
> few days ago. It seems that the WXO tower in El Centro, CA. collapsed in a
> high wind, the cause being a guy anchor rusted-through underground.
> http://www.kxoradio.com/tower.htm  not a pretty sight!
> I subscribe to "Tower-Pro" (even though I'm not a "pro"), for its good
> I'm therefore pretty much a 'lurker'; but I asked how the pros check the
> health of their anchors. The best response was from the list owner, John
> Hettish (also a ham, I think), who runs an active tower company (Middle
> Tenn. Two-Way). He offered the following as a possible source for anchor
> info: http://www.anchorguard.com/index.cfm  .  There's a link on this site
> to some reference material that might be of interest to us, despite the
> obvious differences beween a broadcast tower and our typical ham
> installations. There's a paper on anchor corrosion, some industry specs,
> a series of photos with accompanying evaluations of severity. As usual,
> YMMV; but I found it useful, at least in understanding the mechanisms at
> work.
> Chuck, N4NM
> _______________________________________________
> See: http://www.mscomputer.com  for "Self Supporting Towers", "Wireless
Weather Stations", and lot's more.  Call Toll Free, 1-800-333-9041 with any
questions and ask for Sherman, W2FLA.
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