[TowerTalk] Re: TowerTalk Digest, Vol 22, Issue 110

Malcolm Ringel mringel at bluecrab.org
Sun Oct 31 13:04:44 EST 2004

Finally, a true voice of reason in this unrestrained madness which our
system has become. Just ponder the possibilities of a "Ham what am" as our

1. Formal attire at State Dinners would devolve to striped Bermuda shorts
worn with checked shirts and semi-high argyle socks...plus a hat with a
substitute rubber duck clipped to the brim...
2. The budget debates would be expanded to include issues involving less
than $1.00.
3. Citizens with complaints re the costs of items could simply be told that
"If you could have gotten it cheaper at Dayton, maybe you should have bought
it at Dayton".
The contemplations are literally endless........
73 and best wishes to almost all
As my (now deceased) Grandmother used to say: " My s..t list is verrrrrry
short; but once you get on, you never get off".

Malcolm, K3KZ
St. Michaels, MD
----- Original Message ----- 
From: "Tod - ID" <tod at k0to.us>
To: "'George Lee'" <geokr5c at cablelynx.com>; <towertalk at contesting.com>
Sent: Sunday, October 31, 2004 11:27 AM
Subject: RE: [TowerTalk] Re: TowerTalk Digest, Vol 22, Issue 110

> >I sincerely hope that you would not vote against anyone for
> >the reason indicated.
> I couldn't agree with you more. In fact, I would encourage folks to vote
> 'for' the candidate of their choice and not against anyone or any 'thing'.
> It may be that the guy you select is flawed, but that probably is because
> none of them are hams.
> Tod, KØTO
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