[TowerTalk] Tram Systems....

Lee Buller k0wa at swbell.net
Fri Sep 3 22:31:17 EDT 2004

I stumbled on a page from a W5 guy who had pictures of a tram system he used to lift antennas to the tower.  I cannot find the darm thing.  IT was unique to me becaused he used two cables/ropes from the ground to a boom just below the rotor on the tower.  He had a lifting mechanism made out of PCV pipe...where the tram lines went through the PVC pipe (about 3 foot of pipe) while the two PVC pipes were "lashed" together with another metal boom or another PVC pipe.  The boom of the antenna when on perpenticular to the tram lines and was bolted into place to hold it.  When the antenna was raised up the long PVC tubes acted as a tiller.  When at the top, a rope from a gin pole was tied to the beam and then it was raised to the spot on the mast.  This seemed to be a pretty fine way of doing this tramming business.  Does anyone know of this web site?
Lee - K0WA

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