[TowerTalk] antennas in trees

Tonno Vahk tonno.vahk at mail.ee
Mon Sep 20 10:27:33 EDT 2004

Just a short note on real life A-B.

I have two identical 80m Inverted V Dipoles. Both with 45 feet high apex. 
One above the roof of the countryside house with some 60 feet of feedline 
and the other about 400 feet away from the house in the dense forest with 
apex tied to a pine tree.

Guess with one plays better! No question about it - the one in the forest 
with 6 times longer feedline.

It is constantly about 1 S-unit stronger on TX and RX. It has absolutely 
noise from appliances in the house unlike the other one.

The forest consists of pines, birches, firs, alders. About 50 feet high 
average level.

The house and the vicinity of it with its man made structures seem to do 
much more harm to the signal than forest.


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