[TowerTalk] Anchors less than 80 per cent from the bases of a tower

Cqtestk4xs at aol.com Cqtestk4xs at aol.com
Tue Sep 21 10:47:39 EDT 2004

Pulling the guys in closer also increases the vertical loading on the  tower,
which may require increasing the size of the tower foundation,  and/or
checking to make sure that the tower won't buckle.  All in all,  fooling with
the guys on a marginal design probably isn't something to be  taken on
casually.........de Jim  Lux
There is a lot of truth to that statement.  Around here one of the  local 
broadcast towers constructed of Rohn 55 is guyed no more than 45-50 per  cent 
from the base...if that.  In addition, it is guyed four ways instead  of three, 
obviously to counter space limitations.  A local, who has climbed  quite a few 
towers, had a chance to go up the tower for maintenance.  He  said being on 
the tower was 'very exciting' and did not want to do it  again.
To pull the guys in a couple per cent is probably no big deal, but probably  
to 45-50 per cent is not a wise thing to do.  Instead of lots of force  being 
pulled outward to stabilize, the main force is now transferred  downward.  
This certainly doesn't help to counter lateral pulls from the  wind and, as Jim 
said, increases the load on the base.
Bill K4XS

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