[TowerTalk] Balun Telrex

CubexCo at aol.com CubexCo at aol.com
Tue Sep 21 14:04:00 EDT 2004

In a message dated 9/21/2004 11:26:07 AM Eastern Standard Time, 
towertalk-request at contesting.com writes:
I need some help with a balun for a TB6Em too.
Can anyone tell me if the balun is 1:1 or 4:1??

73, Tom W8JI
It should be 1:1, it uses a coil of Coaxial cable and a length of #10 of 
insulated wire to make the balun.

I had the predecessor to the TB6E called the TM-30C, it was the same 
design,using a hairpin loop for Z transformation.  I am sure the later models use the 
same balun design, Mike was not much for change.

PS I enjoyed your article on receivers in World Radio.

Norm W4QN

"The Power of a Cubex Quad"


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