[TowerTalk] Misinformation Highway

Tom Horton k5iid at sbcglobal.net
Thu Sep 23 09:22:23 EDT 2004

I think  it is rather telling in this single phrase...
The center of the antenna started life as 2 mirror mount CB antenna 

Now, I don't know about everyone, but I have never had any CB antenna "stuff" laying around. 
Amazing what people think they can do with nothing.
 Tom K5IID
Tom Rauch <w8ji at contesting.com> wrote:

> I was particulary impressed by the 18dB Front-to-Back
ratio :):)

Not many people can build an 18dB front to back 3dB gain
half wave bent dipole that works from 20 meters through six

Browsing that site is interesting. Everything I've looked at
is actually as bad or worse than that particular antenna .

Heaven help us when all our technology research and exchange
is on Internet.

73 Tom


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September 11, 2001
We can never, never forget !
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Tom Horton K5IID
Hillsboro, TX
USA-CA All Counties 661---DXCC---5 BAND DXCC

Finally back home in Texas after all these years! 

"E" sorter for the ARRL W5 QSL bureau

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