[TowerTalk] W8JI/CQ Magazine Printer Screwup

Tower (K8RI) tower at rogerhalstead.com
Thu Sep 23 18:38:41 EDT 2004

Jeff Goldman wrote:

> In the magazine business, inserts, such as thew subscription card, are 
> page numbered.  Thus the pages 75 and 76 are CQ Subscription card.  
> Also the Reader Service Card between pages 40 and 43 become pages 41 
> and 43.

I just automatically tear out any inserts that are printed on heavier 
paper than the rest of a mag without ever bothering to read them. 

/Roger (K8RI)/

> Jeff, K3DUA
> On Sep 23, 2004, at 12:52 PM, NABEREZNY JOHN wrote:
>> I just opened CQ to find the write up on Tom, but the pages are 
>> missing ! I called CQ and they were unaware of the screw up, and to 
>> her surprise her copy was also missing the same two pages.
>>    Sooo if anyone gets to a good copy, I would appreciate a copy of 
>> Tom"s missing pages.
>>    Thanks, appreciate the help.
>>                       73, John
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