[TowerTalk] Why Did I Order These?

J.Hector Garcia M Hector at telecom1.net
Fri Sep 24 22:50:22 EDT 2004


i  have some questions for you

how many connectors you will use ?
if you will only use 2 -4  or less than 10 maybe is good to return and get
the connectors that need soldering and  a lot of time to  install.

in the past 4 years i install hundreds of N connectors  to be used in  Wi-fi
and other  giga poin to point wireless connections, i like a lot the times
connectors .

i opinion if you will  continue  the use of n connectors in lmr 400 or 9913
same connectors,  use  the crimp , with some practice you can install  the
connector 100%  reliable   in less than a minute.

you can spend a lot of money in crimping tool.

but here a cheap and good tool

39.95 dlls plus shipping.  all the coax types and sizes  , not lmr500 or

if you want only a better quality tool same price  but only rg-8 type


i have both of those , work the same  but will have a longer life the yellow

my opinion, keep the connectors , buy the tool and save a lot of time and
leave a very clean job in the connectos, also cheaper.

i found a lot of cheap  lmr connectors  on ebay.  and other sources always
go for the silver plated .  rf parts also handle a good quality connectors.

good luck
XE2K  Hector

----- Original Message ----- 
From: "Mike Switzer" <k8ze at charter.net>
To: <towertalk at contesting.com>
Sent: Friday, September 24, 2004 6:16 PM
Subject: [TowerTalk] Why Did I Order These?

> Hi All
> I purchased some N connectors and unknowingly ordered crimp on connectors.
> Before I send them back I would like some opinions.  I got TC-400-NM Times
> Microwave Systems connectors.  It calls for a .429 HEX die crimper to be
> used for installing the connector.  Anyone have any experience with these
> connectors?  Anyone know where I can get a crimper at a reasonable price?
> Maybe I should purchase a crimper and use these . what do ya think?
> Ignorant in Goodrich, MI (EN82)
> Mike
> K8ZE
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