[TowerTalk] Posting

Michael Urich ka5cvh at gmail.com
Wed Sep 29 12:12:36 EDT 2004

On Wed, 29 Sep 2004 10:43:53 -0500, Jimmie N. Lowrey
<lowreycpa at sbcglobal.net> wrote:
> I would like to be able to post to the towertalk threads.

Mike wrote

This reflector is set up where when you click on "reply" it goes back
to the original poster and not back to the discussion group.  For
whatever reason that's the way the list admin wanted it.  The problem
with this method is that there may be replies that were "off-list" to
the original poster <via the automatic default> that I <and others>
could have learned too, but it only went to the original poster. 
Anyway, to respond to a question, query, comment that you wish to go
to the entire list you need to click on reply and then insert the
towertalk addy into your email client so that the entire list will see

Mike Urich, KA5CVH

Character = How you treat people who can do nothing for you in return!

http://ka5cvh.com/photos = Photo gallery

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