[TowerTalk] Anti-climb panels for a crank-up tower

Roger K8RI on Tower k8ri-tower at charter.net
Thu Apr 14 13:46:53 EDT 2005

> Nice suggestions Roger, but it wouldn't work well for my situation for a
> few reasons. The county code requires "fencing...either around the
> entire side and rear of the property or around the private communication
> antenna.  In leiu of fencing, the antenna shall be secured with a
> commercial anti-climb device."  The tower is located within a courtyard
> and my wife has so far nixed the fence around the tower idea.  It
> already has more "visual impact" than she wants.  A rose trellis
> wouldn't grow fast enough or high enough here (Nevada isn't the kindest
> environment for some plants) and also wouldn't meet the county
> requirments.  I'll have a discussion with the landscaper and also have a

I would think the fence serving as a trellis or with the lattice covering 
the fence would be acceptable...except for the climate<:-))  You have the 
fence and it is camoflaged.

Getting creative, you could always build a gazebo with a huge lightening 

Fortunately, around here about the only limit is the "set back" rule to keep 
your tower from falling on the neighbors.  We do need building permits if 
the tower goes above 80 feet and it has to be properly engineered, but they 
accept the figures right out of the ROHN catelog.

> fellow radio op, Tom N7OVC, check it out.  Tom is far more clever than
> me.

Good Luck,

Roger Halstead (K8RI and ARRL 40 year Life Member)
N833R - World's oldest Debonair CD-2
> Craig, AE7I
> -----Original Message-----
> From: Roger K8RI on Tower [mailto:k8ri-tower at charter.net]
> Sent: Wednesday, April 13, 2005 10:03 PM
> To: Craig Sande; towertalk at contesting.com
> Subject: Re: [TowerTalk] Anti-climb panels for a crank-up tower
> How about a rose trellis?  That's not a joke.
> IE  stick with a good anti climb fence which will work just fine as a
> trellis.  Kids aren't going to mess with a rose bush, and even if they
> did
> the fence is still there.
> IF the fence is a problem before the roses grow to cover it, then you
> can
> use a wood lattice about 3 or 4 inches out from the fence, or even
> against
> it.  The gate can be the regular fence gate covered with a lattice to
> match.
> Within a year all signs of the fence will be gone.
> Depending on your climate, fences can be very easy to camouflage.
> Roger Halstead (K8RI and ARRL 40 year Life Member)
> N833R - World's oldest Debonair CD-2
> www.rogerhalstead.com
>>I would like to get/make an anti-climb device for my tower.  It is a
> 70'
>> motorized crank-up/pull-down tower by Tashjian Towers.  I won't be
> able
>> to clamp anything around the legs because of the moving contact points
>> between the tower sections.  In addition, the motor, gear box, and
> cable
>> drum protrude at the bottom.  I was thinking that a sheet metal shield
>> starting above the level of the motor, bear box, and drum might work,
>> but am unsure how it could be attached without interfering with the
>> moving parts of the tower.  A fence around the tower is out of the
>> question for aesthetic reasons, therefore my only option is to fence
> in
>> the back yard.  Does anyone figured out how to make an anti-climb
> device
>> for such a tower?
>> Craig, AE7I
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