[TowerTalk] rotating guy collar source?

Jim Lux jimlux at earthlink.net
Sat Apr 16 20:48:12 EDT 2005

Do you even need a bearing???

What if you put a spring in the antenna (or enough sag) and let the halyard
wrap around the tower as it turns?  If the tower were 6" in diameter, that's
only 18" change in length of the antenna, which for a full sized halfwave
antenna at 80 or 160... Sure, the cable's going to spiral as it wraps, but I
doubt that a foot or so will make any appreciable (or measureable)
difference in the antenna performance.

----- Original Message -----
From: "Bill VanAlstyne, W5WVO" <w5wvo at cybermesa.net>
To: <towertalk at contesting.com>
Sent: Saturday, April 16, 2005 5:02 PM
Subject: Re: [TowerTalk] rotating guy collar source?

> Depending on the diameter of the section of tower you want to attach to,
> Yaesu GS-065 thrust bearing could be what you're looking for. It works for
up to
> 2.5" dia masts. You get four angled guy anchors with it that can be
fastened to
> the bearing body with supplied screws; you attach your guy or wire antenna
> support lines to these anchors. The thrust bearing is double-raced and
> smooth. It will take a fairly large load. You can order from Texas Towers,
> other Yaesu dealers. $49+ from TT.
> Having said that, this also brings up the question (again) of how/whether
> attach guys (or, presumably, taught wire antennas) to the upper segments
of a
> self-supporting tower. If the wire antenna is light-weight (small-gauge
> and not significantly tensioned, you might be able to get away with it
with no
> additional offsetting wires. If it's heavy and/or tightly tensioned
against the
> bearing/tower, that brings up several other considerations and a good deal
> conflicting opinion.  :-)  Just had a very extensive thread on this
subject here
> last week.
> Bill / W5WVO
> gerry scott wrote:
> > My US Tower rotates (tubular). I'd like to run a sloper off of it.
> > Does anyone know a source for a rotating guy collar?  I've heard of
> > them but never saw one. Is this the best solution to getting on 80
> > and 160?
> >
> > Tks de Gerry

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