[TowerTalk] Installation procedures for the Rohn GAS604 screw anchor

Bill Aycock baycock at direcway.com
Fri Apr 29 21:55:02 EDT 2005

I installed screw anchors for my 25g- 50 foot fold-over tower with an 
electric driver from the tool rental place. My augers were MUCH larger than 
the ones Rohn sells, and were generally of the type used by power 
companies. The driver was intended for installation of the screw anchors 
intended for Mobile homes. These are MUCH smaller than the type I have and 
smaller than the Rohn  type.
  The driver is basically an electric motor with a worm drive that has a 
fork fitting for the eye of the anchor. there is a pipe handle which is 
grasped by the operator. The switch is a normally open type, and is in what 
I thought was an awkward position. However, the awkwardness is on purpose, 
and makes your hand let go of the switch if any thing goes wrong. The auger 
is started in a shallow hole that lets you set the shaft at the proper 
angle. When you get the auger started with enough force to make it start 
into the dirt, the only force needed from the operator is the torque needed 
to hold the handle.
Really, the tool rental places are happy to instruct you, and their drivers 
( at least the ones locally available) are strong enough to drive much 
larger anchors than the Mobile home types they are usually rented for.
  I was over 70 when I did mine by myself. Good luck- Bill

At 03:50 PM 4/29/2005 -0700, J Boothe wrote:

>I am in search of the best way to properly install the Rohn GAS604 screw 
>anchor. I am setting up a few 30' rohn 25G towers. I called Rohn directly 
>to get there input from the manufacturers point of view. The best 
>suggestion was to manually spin it into the ground with a steel pole 
>through the eylet. This seems to me to be extremely difficult and not the 
>installation of choice.
>Has anyone used an auger drill and inserted the GAS604 as the auger bit 
>(so to speak) if so what type of auger unit was used? would that work?
>I am open to any proven logical field applications
>thank you in advance for your assistance and suggestions
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Bill Aycock - W4BSG
Woodville, Alabama 

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