[TowerTalk] GFI Outlets

Gary "Joe" Mayfield gary_mayfield at hotmail.com
Mon Aug 15 21:38:01 EDT 2005

I finally got something up in the air, not much just a 20' high dipole on 40
meters.  It loads up fine, and I can hear a suprizing amount of stuff on the
band, but when fed with 100 Watts it trips about a third of the GFI outlets
in the house.  The ones closest to and furthest from the antenna tripped and
the ones in the middle did not (all seperate circuits).  I assume it is the
wire length that is getting me.  The GFIs were made by Levitron and Pass &
Seymour.  The Pass & Seymour "premium" GFI was installed in 2004, and the
house was built in 2000.

I would be willing to pay a "premium" price for GFIs with a little filtering
built in.  Does such a thing exsist?  A quick check on the internet reveals
many folks with this problem and few solutions.  What have other folks done?

Thanks for the Help and 73,

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