[TowerTalk] Anyone Familiar with Rohn 45 TiltOver?

TexasRF@aol.com TexasRF at aol.com
Tue Aug 16 11:30:58 EDT 2005

Beware the dead weight limitation of the Rohn Foldover towers: There are  two 
versions; the most recent version is specified to handle a maximum of 135  
pounds dead weight AT THE APEX. with a long mast that number needs to be derated 
 to the equivalent number of foot pounds 
I don't have any data for the older version but my recollection is maybe  100 
pounds dead weight, again, at the apex.
I have seen these towers fail on several occasions by exceeded the safe  
weight at the top. This is a case of it WILL FAIL, not that it might fail if the  
rating is exceeded.
Not trying to scare you here, but I am trying to get your attention to this  
important issue.
Gerald Williamson/Texas Towers
In a message dated 8/15/2005 9:02:33 P.M. Central Standard Time,  
kd4e at verizon.net writes:

I have a  Rohn 45 TiltOver.

The arm needs to be straightened and  reinforced.

I need to know about the cable, pulley, crank  pieces.

Anyone rebuilt one of these using readily  available
components who could share the specs, please?

If it  impacts component choices, as I anticipate that
it does, I will only be  tilting about 55 feet of tower
plus a 20 foot mast (15 feet out the top)  with a Force 12
C3SS and a couple of other smaller beams or a beam and  a
VHF/UHF vertical.

I would like to start locating and acquiring  what I need
a little at a time (as the budget allows).

Thanks! & 73, doc kd4e

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============\  #   http://bibleseven.com/kd4e.html
KD4E     =========================================
West  Central  Florida

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