[TowerTalk] birds/QRO RF on antennas

Pat Barthelow aa6eg at hotmail.com
Mon Aug 29 18:19:44 EDT 2005

I often wondered if birds on wire antennas can 'feel' High power RF running 
through their feet.  I tested this question, keying 1KW on 80m to a Discone 
at N6IJ.  A large crow often alighted on the disk part of the discone, and 
immediately flew off it the instant I keyed the TX. A couple of reptitions 
of that, and I never saw the crow use the antenna as a landing target.  It 
seemed that in that case the RF was definitely felt by the crow, but I dont 
know if that is generally the case on many antennas, or Frequencies or 
birds...  any other experiences?

73, DX, de Pat Barthelow AA6EG aa6eg at hotmail.com

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