ersmar@comcast.net ersmar at comcast.net
Fri Dec 2 00:50:07 EST 2005


     Congratulations and welcome to Topband.  I'd run the coax up the tower to the switch.  I can't imagine why you would NOT do this.  Loss at Topband is minimal for the extra coax length to run up the tower.  And you'd lose a lot of convenience, I imagine, having a separate coax outside of the antenna switch group.  

73 de
Gene Smar  AD3F

> Hello TT-ers..
> Just put up my 160 M inverted L today and seems to work great.
> First QSO was 8Q7DV this evening...
> Question...is it NOT adviseable to run teh coax from the motor driven 
> Vacuum Variable Capacitor UP the tower to my tower
> antenna switch?  ....Or should I just run this one straing underground 
> and in the shack all its lonesome?  All coax and rotor/switch cables are 
> under ground as well ...of course...
> Thanks!
> Jose Castillo - N4BAA
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