[TowerTalk] Old Tower, Short Guy Wires

Erik Anderson erik at 1067wwtl.com
Thu Dec 8 13:37:33 EST 2005

Hi. I have an older tower that was donated to our station. I believe I am reading it to be "Tower Construction Co., Sioux City, IA -- 8429"

It is a 200'. I would like to get it raised to 180' (leave off top section) to stay under FAA registration. In addition, I would like to keep land usage to a minimum for the guy wires, as this is on a church property. It would have a single, circular polarized antenna on it.

Can someone tell me who can do the engineering for this tower and tell me the shortest guys wire lengths I can use (I have heard 80%, 60%, 50%). Even if it meant more guy wires to have shorter lengths, I would consider it. I would also consider hiring out the job of putting this tower up.

Erik Anderson
106.7 WWTL
15024 St Rte 328
Logan, OH 43138

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