[TowerTalk] Beam toubleshooting problem - help please

Marc Wullaert marc.wullaert3 at pandora.be
Wed Dec 14 12:07:38 EST 2005

Let me trow in my expirence from last years ON5TN optibeam OB 16-3
Whe got some problem on 10m with this antenne ,sometimes good sometimes bad
swr when
moved the antenna up and down the testtower.
We found  that 1 screw on the square feeding at the 10m driver was loos a
little bit.Thigten this srew
did the job.I don't like the square feeding system ,you have a minimal
contact with the element.

marc on4ma

----- Original Message -----
From: <Gary.Stone at med.va.gov>
To: <towertalk at contesting.com>
Sent: Wednesday, December 14, 2005 2:15 PM
Subject: [TowerTalk] Beam toubleshooting problem - help please

> Hi to all,
> I have a problem with a yagi and I am seeking your assistance and
> I have a couple of people coming out to the
> station and I hope to gain some views here to share with them.  First, the
> basic problem.  On 40 meters
> the SWR will sometimes jump to about 3 to 1 from flat.  I can make a few
> contacts and this does not happen but it
> will eventually.  A quick turn of the antenna in any direction drops it
> to flat.  I have made as many as two or three
> 10 minute QSOs before the problem hits again.   Now, my setup:
> RG45G Tower, 80 feet.
> Optibeam OB17-4 right above top of tower (3 ele on 40, 4 on 20 and 4 on 15
> and 6 on 10 for 17 ele total - 39 foot boom square boom)
> The 3 elements on 40 meters have an 'air coil' but the rest are all full
> size elements.
> 12 feet further up on mast I have a Force12 WARC7 with 3 ele on 12, 2 on
> and 2 on 30 mtrs.
> Both antennas are fed with LMR400 Flex to a point down the tower and then
> continues with LMR400 into a coax switch (Array Solutions Rat Pak) at
> the base of the tower.  Then a single LMR400 into the shack.
> OK, some facts that hopefully help with the troubleshooting.
> * This installation has been completed about 7 months and I have made a
> little over 800 qsos on 40 meters before the problem started.
> * I can't detect any change on the other 3 bands.  NOTE: The OB17-4 has
> square tubing for the feedline to the 4 driven elements for the
> 4 bands.  The SWR on 20, 15 and 10 seems good and consistent.
> * Turning the beam correcting the problem certainly seems to point to
> something loose in the 40 meter section of the beam. Well, we
> did find a loose bolt on the end of one side of the driven element for 40
> mtrs.  Corrected that (that took awhile and two people on the
> tower) and then the problem continues.
> * The change that most recently occurred before the problem was that we
> had trouble with the feedline loop for the rotator off and
> on.  And recently the coax got caught in something and became damaged.
> the piece of LMR400 flex from the OB17-4 to to a place down
> the tower was replaced with another piece of coax cut the exact same
> The coax was then rerouted to try a better way to make
> the rotator loop so that nothing was binding.  I know this is the recent
> change just prior to the problem but it is difficult for me to think
> there is a feedline problem with the coax because the same run of LMR400
> feeds the other 3 bands on this beam and they are fine.
> * Connected an swr meter and radio directly to the coax at the base of the
> antenna with same results (sometimes flat and then
> sometimes shoots to 3 to 1 SWR).  This bypassed the coax switch at the
> of the tower and all parts going to the shack.
> * The OB17-4 has a rectangle "termination stub" that is about 1 foot x 2
> feet and it serves to match the SWR for 40 meters.
> OK, since turning the beam corrects the problem temporarily (every time -
> our of 10 times) I would conclude a loose element or a cracked
> or otherwise damaged termination stub?  We had hoped the one loose element
> piece solved the problem.  Without taking down the driven
> element the driven element appears to be tight at all other joints.    My
> question (among others) is "Can a parasitic element (perhaps with a
> loose connection in one of the telescoping sections) cause this problem?
> (for example) a telescoping piece of one of either the reflector or
> had an intermittent loose connection would that cause an SWR spike.  (I
> hope that is not the case as that would mean a bucket truck
> or a crane !!).  I am thinking the next step would be to completely take
> down the driven element (do able) and make sure all connections are solid
> and then put it back and make sure the termination stub is good too.   We
> have also thought about taking a long pole (would have to be 20 feet or so
> like bamboo) to the top of the tower and tap the reflector and directors
> see if we can get it to screw up consistently.  Of course we can do this
> with the driven element also and the termination stub.  Fortunately the
> termination stuff is easily reached from the top of the tower.
> So, thanks so much TT pros and any thoughts greatly appreciated. I am
> thinking it must be something limited to the 40 meter section of the
> OB17-4.  Am I missing something?
> Gary, N5PHT
> Gary Stone, BA, LCDC
> Case Manager, Bonham DSAP
> Sam Rayburn Memorial Veterans Center
> (903) 583-6411
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