[TowerTalk] Cushcraft XM240

ersmar@comcast.net ersmar at comcast.net
Thu Dec 15 09:35:01 EST 2005


      On my Bencher tribander all the elements are insulated from the boom with PVC sleeves tightly held to the boom.  Therefore, to short the parasitics to the boom I was not able to snake a hose clamp between the element and the boom as was Jerry (and others)  

      Instead, I cut a piece of aluminum flashing about 5 inches long by 3/4 inch wide.  I fastened the strip to the middle of each parasitic element with a #10 SS self-tapping screw through the insulator.  I fastened the other end to the boom with a SS hose clamp, using a bit of NoAlOx on the boom first.  I covered each hose clamp with tape.

73 de
Gene Smar  AD3F

 -------------- Original message ----------------------
From: K4SAV <RadioIR at charter.net>
> Anthony DeBiasi wrote:
> >What is the general consensus about grounding the reflector element to the 
> boom?  Would especially be interested in hearing from CC XM240 owners.
> >
> >..Tony K2SG
> >
> >  
> >
> See:
> http://lists.contesting.com/archives//html/Towertalk/2005-08/msg00534.html
> After hearing reports of static discharge from the reflector to the 
> boom, and doing an EZNEC analysis which, as expected, showed no 
> difference in performance with the reflector connected or not, I decided 
> to strap the reflector to the boom.  I used a short piece of soft 
> aluminum cut in the shape of an L.  Clamped the bottom part of the L to 
> the center of the reflector, bent the upper part of the L into a U 
> shape, and fitted it under the reflector U-channel support, drilled a 
> hole in the U channel and the strap, and secured it with a screw and 
> nut.  I also added some Noalox to the joints.
> Jerry, K4SAV
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