[TowerTalk] Antenna Modeling question

dxmonger@yahoo.com dxmonger at yahoo.com
Mon Dec 19 19:46:04 EST 2005


As a suggestion you might try downloading and playing
a bit with the freeware antenna modeling package,
MMANA http://mmhamsoft.ham-radio.ch/mmana/

At least that way you'll get an idea as to some of the
complexities and effort of antenna modeling without
laying out a lot of $$$. 

Yes, modeling something as complex as a OB 17-4 and
WARC7 stack is possible - and no, it's not something
you'd really do with MMANA (for a number of reasons),
but if you just want to get a feel for what is
involved in terms of effort/complexity, I'd say give
MMANA a try.


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