[TowerTalk] Holy SteppIR!

Jim Lux jimlux at earthlink.net
Wed Dec 28 11:57:35 EST 2005

At 06:32 PM 12/27/2005, Clay Curtiss  W7CE wrote:
>My simulations indicate that as you adjust the array elevation
>above 5 degrees the vertical lobe begins to broaden.

How did you slew the array vertically?  By tilting or by phasing the feeds?

>   At about
>16 degrees elevation, the vertical 3 db beamwidth is 24
>degrees (from 3 to 27 degrees).  It's not the prettiest pattern one
>has ever seen, but it should work quite nicely for general purpose
>dxing and/or contesting.

I assume the horizontal beamwidth is approximately similar? So, to a first 
order, this works out to about 20dBi gain?

Assuming he's running 1500W, that's a fairly impressive 150kW EIRP.

> >
> > Yes, that's absolutely right, Jim. I am guilty of thinking "in the
> > box". If you remove the straight jacket of the conventional Yagi
> > with fixed tuning/phasing, and exploit the large design space
> > allowed by the independent element length control, you can

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