[TowerTalk] Fw: Re:[AR902Mhz] Tower Installation

Jim Lux jimlux at earthlink.net
Wed Dec 28 12:57:44 EST 2005

At 08:33 AM 12/28/2005, larryjspammenot at teleport.com wrote:
>This is forwarded from the AR902Mhz mailing list. See the very bottom 
>paragraph about building the rebar cage. Somehow, I always thought that 
>the rebar cage in a concrete tower foundation was NOT to be welded 
>together, just tied with some kind of wire ties. Did I miss something 
>along the way?

Those iron oxide diodes are embedded in a fairly conductive block of 
concrete that probably has lower resistance than the diodes, so it's 
probably not an issue.

However as far as welding goes, rebar CAN be welded, but it takes a special 
technique, and requires some knowledge of the bar material and the right 
welding rod.  This isn't a "get the old buzz box out and tack everything 
together" kind of operation.  And, as always with structural kinds of 
things, you need to talk to your local regulators.  There's been enough 
disasters with welded rebar that there is some sensivity to the issue.

It think there was a thread on this a couple years back.


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