[TowerTalk] Question for crank owners

Dan Bookwalter n8dcj at yahoo.com
Thu Dec 29 08:15:05 EST 2005

My Tx-472 (notice it doesnt say TX-472MDP) stays at
full height most of the time. when we are supposed to
get big weather or i am going to be out of time for an
extended time i will crank it all the way down. i
would keep it lowered more often IF it were a
motorized tower , but , cranking that damn thing up
and down by hand isnt any fun , especially during an
ice storm when you need a hard hat a good heavy jacket
and gloves. by the way it is easier to crank up than
down. i think i have most of what i will need to
motorize this thing during the up coming summer.

good luck


--- "Rob Atkinson, K5UJ" <k5uj at hotmail.com> wrote:

> Got a question for crank-up owners:
> Do you crank up your towers only when you are
> operating, i.e. 95% of the 
> time they are nested and only go up when you turn on
> the rig and start 
> looking for a qso, or....
> Do you mostly leave them cranked all the way up and
> only nest them when 
> leaving town for a few days, or when wx threatens
> such as high winds and/or 
> lightning?
> I'm trying to get an idea of what these things are
> built to do:  Lots of 
> cranking up and down, or extension and retraction
> only meant to be done once 
> in a while.
> Oh yeah one other thing for you guys in the North:  
> Do you have to do 
> anything special to operate them in the winter--do
> they need any TLC with 
> snow and ice or low temp.?
> tnx,
> rob / k5uj
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