[TowerTalk] stainless bolts freezing up

Roger (K8RI) tower at charter.net
Wed Feb 2 01:37:55 EST 2005

> In a message dated 2/1/05 9:48:39 PM Greenwich Standard Time,
> w8ji at contesting.com writes:
> Most rotor cases are weak, soft, cast materials. I can't
> imagine a quality stainless bolt galling or breaking before
> the rotor housing fails.

SS nuts and bolts are noted for gauling, or binding when put together dry. 
Of course lubricant then changes the amount of torque required on the 

Roger Halstead (K8RI & ARRL Life Member)
N833R World's oldest Debonair

> It happened to several of mine....Hy-Gain bolts froze right up.  I have 
> never
> had it happen to any of them after applying NoAlox.
> The HD 73 stainless bolts have a tendancy to do the same thing.  Not the 
> ones
> on the bottom, but the ones which hold the two sleeves which go around the
> mast.  I have used NoAlox on those and the problem has never repeated.
> Bill K4XS
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