[TowerTalk] Comprehensive Grounding Tutorial on Web

Pat Barthelow aa6eg at hotmail.com
Sun Feb 6 10:17:40 EST 2005


Many of us really appreciate the great exchange of  knowledge and wisdom of 
grounding techniques and tips...It is interesting to see the variety of 
opinions among wise men to the topic.
I stumbled on a great tutorial about grounding many kinds of sites, from 
Cell sites to Radio tower, to central offices, to...etc   It is notable that 
the site has very good color diagrams of the ground systems and concepts 
discussed.  They might be worthwile to use, and reference, for conveying 
clear ideas and concepts...
Check out :  http://www.leminstruments.com/grounding_tutorial/html

BTW, this site is devoped by a commercial product vendor, which I have no 
affiliation with ....

73, DX, de Pat Barthelow  AA6EG
(831) 646-0388    aa6eg at hotmail.com

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