[TowerTalk] Help - US Tower MA-550MDP
Richard (Rick) Karlquist (N6RK)
richard at karlquist.com
Mon Feb 21 15:59:20 EST 2005
I bought one of these new in 1984 when the company
was called Tristao and Lou Tristao didn't provide
anything in the way of instructions then either,
although I did get UBC calcs. I was able to look
at the parts and think about it for while and figure
out how everything goes together. I talked to UST
about overhauling these, and they said you might want
to inspect and replace if necessary the pulleys and
cables. OTOH, mine is 20 years old and going strong
without any maintenance at all, except a little oil
here and there.
Rick N6RK
> -----Original Message-----
> From: towertalk-bounces at contesting.com
> [mailto:towertalk-bounces at contesting.com]On Behalf Of Ken Claerbout
> Sent: Monday, February 21, 2005 12:35 PM
> To: towertalk at contesting.com
> Subject: [TowerTalk] Help - US Tower MA-550MDP
> I picked up a used tubular crank up tower which I believe is a US Tower
> MA-550MDP (55' motorized) with the Mast Raising Fixture (MAF). It needs a
> little overhauling before being placed back in service. I checked with US
> Towers and they do not have any sort of service manual, just
> something that
> sounds like sales literature. Is there anyone on Towertalk that
> has one of
> these or has notes that I might be able to compare?
> Thanks
> Ken K4ZW
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