[TowerTalk] alfaspid rotor in a tri-ex lm354e crankup

J. T. (Mitch) Mitchell mitch at andor.net
Sat Feb 26 22:41:02 EST 2005


If the antenna is not to big. i.e. less that a 20 Meter  mono bander  (4 
or 5 el) then mount the AlfaSpid on the very top of the tower then put 
the antenna on top of the rotator  see the pictures at 
http://www.alfaradio.ca/r1anf.php  . This is what the boys with the 
Russian Antarctic Expedition did.  They have a 3 Element  SteppIR on the 
top of a AlfaSpid Rotator.
Mitch /VE6OH

Jim Spears wrote:

>anybody tried this combination?  can it fit inside the tower to replace a T2X?  the inside dimension of the3 faces of the inside (top) section is about 11.5 + a bit inches (14 inches at outside, 1.25 inch tubes).
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