[TowerTalk] Next step in installing tower: underground power

K8RI on Tower Talk k8ri-tower at charter.net
Sun Jan 9 20:17:29 EST 2005

I rented a "trencher" which is like an over size chain saw on a heavy frame 
and 4 wheels.
It digs a 4 or 5 inch wide trench up to around 3 1/2 feet deep.  It took 
about an hour to dig the 140 feet from the house to the power pole and that 
includes crossing a wide, hard packed, two lane drive way.  I don't remember 
the cost, but it was less than a $100 for the afternoon.  If needed the same 
piece of equipment could be used with either a 12" or 16" auger.

I put together about 140 feet of PVC conduit with a messenger cable inside . 
I then pushed it into the trench and we covered it back up although I threw 
in another 3/4" conduit about a foot below the surface with a messenger 
cable in it as well.  Consumers Power used my messenger to pull in a much 
larger one and then pulled in their *big* cables.  This past Fall I signed 
up for a cable internet connection and they pulled the coax in through the 
3/4" conduit.

Roger Halstead (K8RI, EN73 & ARRL Life Member)
N833R, World's Oldest Debonair (S# CD-2)

> Now that I have the excavation for the base completed, the next step is 
> underway.  I am digging the trench to have my electric service drop put 
> underground.  This will prevent anything that may fall from the tower from 
> falling into the power lines.
> Although the trench is not very wide, the 30 inches of required depth 
> makes for a lot of work to dig.  I consider this to be another cost of 
> erecting a tower.
> -- 
> Chris, K4AY
> In theory, theory and practice are the same.  In practice, they are 
> different.
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