[TowerTalk] Banishment?

K7HPH k7hph at access4less.net
Tue Jan 11 23:16:02 EST 2005

It is most certainly true that there are always two sides to every story. 
However, for we who have no grasp or firsthand knowledge of either side of 
that story to start taking positions and drawing assumptions based on that 
ignorance (as our learned colleague has most gratuitously laid out for us in 
the attached essay), is akin to allowing the blind to lead the blind....

Eventually we will all wind up with bent noses!!!

It is none of our business and does not deserve the wasted band width being 
expended in its behalf. Both parties have legitimate avenues to pursue 
resolution rather than coming on an internet hobby reflector to gain support 
from those who have no idea of what is going on. Steve's silence suggests 
that at least one of the parties involved has the right idea. Let the rest 
of us all follow suite.

Our deductive reasoning skills would be better used perfecting our hobby...

----- Original Message ----- 
From: "Robert Shohet" <kq2m at earthlink.net>
To: "Jerry Keller" <k3bz at arrl.net>; "TowerTalk" <towertalk at contesting.com>; 
"W0UN -- John Brosnahan" <shr at swtexas.net>
Sent: Tuesday, January 11, 2005 8:21 PM
Subject: Re: [TowerTalk] Banishment?

> There are several issues here.
> 1) Someone has been banned from the reflector, purportedly because the
> administrator
> wasn't happy with the result of the transaction.
> If this is true, it was inappropriate and spiteful on the part of the
> administrator.
> If not, it should be addressed and explained on this reflector.
> 2) Some people, like, W0UN, K3BZ are already making judgments that the
> person who is banished is not telling the truth.  On what basis?  Because
> you
> like K7LXC?  That is also irresponsible!
> NO ONE, except for K7LXC and the other party really know what happened!
> "Judgments" in the absence of the facts of THIS SPECIFIC TRANSACTION AND
> SITUATION, are based on bias and ignorance and serve no valid purpose.
> To simply dismiss and overlook what has been said because it doesn't "fit"
> your idea of who
> someone is or isn't, is irresponsible.
> 3) EVERY TRANSACTION STANDS ON ITS OWN!  Other transactions are not
> relevant.  It doesn't matter what someone has or has not done in the past.
> If they have
> screwed up and dishonored their responsibilities as a vendor, then they
> should face
> the music and make it right.   PERIOD!    Past history, "good feelings",
> etc. are IRRELEVANT!
> I can just imagine that chaos that would reign if court judges in this
> country thought,
> "I think I will just overlook these facts, and dismiss the complaint 
> because
> after all
> I KNOW this guy and had good dealings with him".  (Yes, sometimes they do
> this,
> but that doesn't make it acceptable, does it?!)
> If what is alleged is NOT what happened, then K7LXC should say so.  Not
> because I
> think so, but because it is the right thing to do, both as towertalk
> administrator as well
> as the vendor in question, since BOTH aspects are in question here.
> The allegations are serious and need to be addressed.  In my opinion is it
> appropriate to remain silent.
> Personally, I do not like or trust silence or secrecy.  Neither is
> appropriate.
> 4) Everyone is entitled to their own opinion.  However, idle speculation 
> and
> gossip and
> "judgments" without the evidence to dispute what has been claimed, is
> not appropriate or acceptable.   Certainly, the allegation of attempting 
> to
> silence
> someone because of a dispute and to eliminate criticism is VERY serious! 
> It
> is what happens
> in Russia and China.  It is NOT supposed to be acceptable behavior in our
> country, and pretending to overlook it IS cowardly.
> How about it Steve?  What happened?
> Bob KQ2M
>> >But what if it was NOT a true copy? Frankly, I find it hard to attribute
>> >that message to the Steve
>> >Morris K7LXC I'm familiar with here on TowerTalk. It just doesn't sound
>> >like him, and until Steve
>> >says different, I'm not ready to believe it.
>> >
>> >73,  Jerry K3BZ
>> Jerry-- I agree!
>> If you read the note that was attributed to Steve carefully, you will see
>> there IS another
>> side of the story.
>>  > > I don't know about any other time, but I just unsubscribed you and
> will
>>  > > put you on the permanently banned list because this seems like the
> only
>>  > > thing I can do to get some satisfaction from you regarding getting
> ripped
>>  > > off for my Champion Radio Products merchandise and only hearing from
>> you via
>>  > > credit card disputes.
>>  > >
>>  > > Cheers,
>>  > > Steve   K7LXC
>> It sounds like Steve feels that HE was ripped off for his products, ie,
>> that he never
>> got them back and never had any communications from the guy until he had
> the
>> credit card dispute.
>> So, it appears there are TWO sides of the story.  And since I only know
> one
>> party
>> and all experiences with him have been very satisfactory I will remain
>> unmoved by
>> the purported claim that Steve somehow did this guy wrong.
> /towertalk
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