[TowerTalk] geo888@cs.com

Rick Bullon kc5ajx at hotmail.com
Fri Jan 14 23:03:09 EST 2005

----Original Message Follows----
From: "R. Kevin Stover" <rkstover at mchsi.com>
To: "Mike D." <hrg at cifnet.com>
CC: towertalk at contesting.com
Subject: Re: [TowerTalk] geo888 at cs.com
Date: Mon, 10 Jan 2005 14:20:22 -0600

<<"The only practical solution is for the list administrator to unsubscribe
every known e-mail forwarding address and restrict future subscriptions from
those addresses.">>

Ditto that.

Years ago the computer hobbyist websites who host online BBS's quit 
accepting aliased or Hotmail/Yahoo addy's for registration purposes. It's 
cleaner and also allows the admin to trace any problems back to the real 
domain and user.

R. Kevin Stover, ACØH
Well I use a hotmail account for my email list and I have never had a 
problem or caused one that I know of. Also I have never gotten a bounced 
message from geo888 at cs.com and I don't get attacked by worms or viruses 
either, because I never download the messages to my computer I read them on 
the Hotmail sever.
Now I will admit that there are people who use these web based email address 
for bad purposes but they do have there good uses.
just my 2 cents
73 Rick

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