[TowerTalk] Rigging Dipoles and Growing Old

bob finger finger at goeaston.net
Thu Jul 7 15:51:13 EDT 2005

I simply cannot resist.  The simple solution is to replace the coax with
a length of open wire line (window ladder line for anyone under 40 years
old).  Bring the open line off the tower at an angle and terminate it
wherever convenient with a DX Engineering balun, then run coax to the
tuner/radio.  There are recommended lengths for that open line, but
usually it is not critical.  Twist the open line two to three twists per
foot so it does not act like a sail in the wind.  Problem solved.  73
bob de w9ge

Red wrote:

>Hi, Lee;
>Great question, and I look forward to seeing the responses.  

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