[TowerTalk] 80m yagi

Peter Sundberg sm2cew at telia.com
Mon Jul 18 12:07:51 EDT 2005

I'd say it has nothing to do with the price of land in Europe... it is
rather a proof that Rohn is not a world standard when it comes to tower

It can be done "the non Rohn way" also..  :-)

73/Peter SM2CEW

At 05:01 2005-07-18 Gene wrote:
>     Smaller guying radii in Europe possibly because of the price/scarcity
of open land for such purposes?  
>73 de
>Gene Smar  AD3F
>> In a message dated 7/18/05 3:21:29 AM Greenwich Standard Time, 
>> df3kv at t-online.de writes:
>> Thats typical guying also for broadcast+military towers in Germany
>> 73
>> Peter
>> Interesting, since most of the stuff over in W/K is guyed out 80%...at
>> the Rohn stuff is, which is the majority of ham installations.
>> Bill K4XS

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