[TowerTalk] FWD: Info Needed - Telex HyGain HG37SS Tower

Jim Idelson k1ir at designet.com
Tue Jul 19 09:30:37 EDT 2005

Thanks to all who responded. I now have a good PDF of the manual for this 
tower. By the way, it appears that the PDF from HyGain/MFJ is corrupted. 
Several people have reported that other manuals downloadable from HyGain are 
missing lots of information, too - primarily the illustrations. So, be aware of 
this possibility if you go get one of their manuals.


Jim Idelson K1IR
email    k1ir at designet.com
web    http://www.k1ir.com

---------- Forwarded Message ----------

FROM: Jim Idelson <k1ir at designet.com>
TO:   TowerTalk Post <towertalk at contesting.com>, YCCC <yccc at yccc.org>
DATE: Mon, 18 Jul 2005 10:15:44 -0400

RE:   Info Needed - Telex HyGain HG37SS Tower

Hi all,

Does anyone have a copy of the manual for this tower - Telex HyGain HG37SS?

Over the weekend, W1VE and I removed this tower and some antennas at the QTH of 
a silent key. I have the tower here and I'm considering installing it. The 
winch is rusted and needs to be replaced, and I will need to come up with a 
base mounting arrangement, since the original hardware remains embedded in 
concrete at the QTH where we removed the tower.

This is a two-section crank-up tower. The lower section is about 14 inches on a 
face, and the fully-extended height is about 38 or 39 feet. It has a rotor 
plate and a bearing on the top plate [which may need to be refurbished or 


Jim Idelson K1IR
email    k1ir at designet.com
web    http://www.k1ir.com

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